Helping to Make Our Community the Best it Can Be!
Our Mission
Volunteers creating and supporting a vibrant community by identifying and acting on needs of the Spirit Lake community.
Our Vision
A Spirit Lake that everyone feels is a wonderful, enjoyable place to live and watch your family grow and participate in the happenings of the town.
Who We Are... Heart and Soul!
Spirit Lake Community Coalition is a dedicated group of volunteers in Spirit Lake who love our community and are volunteering for one hour or many each month to help bring our various projects together creating a vibrance to our Spirit Lake community. Using the Community Heart and Soul guidelines developed by the Orton Foundation to grow community we are furthering our understanding through the coaching we are receiving from the Innovia Foundation. The Innovia Foundation endorses the Community Heart and Soul program for community development.
The Coalition was formed when the non-profits Spirit Valley food bank, Spirit Lake food bank, Cup of Grace and the Community/Senior center realized that by working in cooperation they could provide more for families amidst dwindling food supplies. This effort provided abundant boxes for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Through this task we discovered the joy of working together and began brainstorming other possibilities. Thus, the Spirit Lake Community Coalition (SLCC) was formed and grew quickly with 60+ members and counting. The coalition wants our gem of a city to shine as we volunteer side by side to make Spirit Lake the best it can be. We are a bi-partisan, non-political group open to everyone with a desire to volunteer and make our community vibrant.
Could our next volunteer be you?
Spirit Lake Community Coalition is awarded $1,000.00 check from Innovia
Who is Innovia?
Innovia partners with nonprofits and communities to create sustainable change. They convene partners to help communities improve education, preserve the environment, promote the arts and improve the quality of life for everyone. They serve as a catalyst for change.
COMING UP SOON! Don't Miss the...
Mardi Gras Carnival Night Spirit Lake Community Coalition Fundraiser
New Orleans Style Buffet Meal and Dessert Auction
Tuesday March 4th at 5:30
Sedlmeyers Resort 7112 W. Spirit Lake Rd.
For more details from Sedlmayers click here
We Need Your Help
The more help everyone gives, the easier it is to complete the projects that improve Spirit Lake for the benefit of everyone. Even if you don't have time or talent to volunteer, you can still help by giving us your ideas for projects we can work on to make Spirit Lake a better place.
We are a bi-partison group open to everyone with a desire to volunteer their time and talents to help make our city vibrant.
Please consider joining us in our mission to make
our Community as good as it can be...
...or donate to our group to help us continue our work.